Tips:Small Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Well-designed bathroom is a heaven where everything is placed in the way how it should be but it’s a fact that most people have a small bathroom. It’s a fact that a small can be cozy and intimate but sometimes, you may feel very claustrophobic and depressing. You may obviously want to make it look a little more spacious and elegant. For this you need to create a visual illusion effect. You might doubt about the possibility of this but this can be done perfectly by de-cluttering and adding some elements in your bathroom. You will be surprised when you look at your old bathroom after changing the color pattern, lighting and adding some appropriate accessories. You can transform your depressing small bathroom into an elegant visual treat in one or two hours. Here are some tips about how to decorate to your small bathroom to look more spacious and slick.

Tips For Small Bathroom Decoration

Select Colors For Serenity

Strong exciting colors makes your bathroom look very timid. Soft colors give the illusion of more space. ‘Cool’ colors give the serenity. Blue, violet and green are cool colors. These colors give a calm tone to your bathroom and make it look more comfortable. Color is the most important tool in designing. So you should pay extra attention to the color aspect.

Mirrors For Enhancing The Effect

Placing mirrors is a better way to light up your bathroom and make it look wider. Mirrors placed on the walls reflect the light. Placing the mirror over the sink is a common practice. You can also place a large mirror on the wall to enhance the light. The total effect created by this mirror makes your small bathroom look like an opera house.

Brighten Up The Room

Use bright accessories for bathroom. Be it a towel, or a soap box, select only bright color. You can select neutral colors or white backgrounds. It’s very important to add more light to you bath room to make it visually spacious. If you are ready to spend, you can buy some sky lights, solatubes or larger windows for your small bathroom. The bathroom light system should not be oversized equipment. You should carefully choose subtle light equipment instead. In short, bathroom lighting should provide bonus points to the brilliant touches you made in the bathroom.

Style Your Shower Door

Most of small bathrooms have a shower stall instead of a full bathtub. Avoid using your old frosted door and place some transparent glass shower stalls. Shower doors make timid spaces look instantly larger by enabling visitors to see beyond the doors to the space behind them.

Change Vanity Cabinets

A vanity cabinet steals a lot of space in your bathroom. Instead of using it, you can remove it and bring pedestal or wall mounted sink which is inexpensive too. Although you need to be very careful while taking out your vanity cabinet as otherwise you may have to repair the entire flooring.

De Clutter

The best way to make a space appear bigger is to remove unnecessary objects from there. We have this habit of putting toothpaste, brushes, lotions, shampoos and even mobile phone and books. These items takes too much of space in your bathroom and make it look like a fancy dress rehearsal room. So it’s important to get rid of them. The de cluttering process will give your small bathroom a spacious look.

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